
WashLUG has a Folding@Home team!

If you are unfamiliar with Folding@Home, why not take a minute to check out Stanford’s page.  If you are already familiar with Folding@Home, why not donate some spare CPU cycles! The information below will get you started:


Our team: 195585

Our team page:

Installation guide:



Additionally, if you are running Linux (and we know you are, right? :)) you can install origami.

$ sudo apt-get install origami && sudo origami install -u USERNAME -t 195585

Your username can be anything you choose, and does not have to be registered prior to folding.  You can check to see if your desired username is available here, however.  You can check your current WU status with the command:

$ origami status

and you can start and stop your processing at any time with:

$ origami stop


$ origami start


Thanks for helping us Fold!