
This page should be a list of resources for the average linux user.

Links, Links, everywhere…

The Open Source community is constantly evolving, and improving, its references. Here is a small list of our favorite resources to help you get started.

Linux/Open Source News

  • SlashDot is dedicated to providing news for the IT Community (“news for nerds”).
  • Groklaw Is a site reporting on the legal events of importance to the FOSS Community.
  • (Previously NewsForge) is the primary site for news relating to the Linux/Open Source community.
  • Ars Technica Is another Major Pc Enthusiasts news site.

Linux User Groups (LUGS) and Organizations

  • MD-Lug – Metro Detroit Linux Users Group
  • MC-Lug – Monroe County Linux Users Group
  • WSU-Lug – Wayne State Linux Users Group
  • CLug – Cincinnati Linux Users Group
  • TA-Lug – Toledo Area Linux Users Group
  • CO-Lug – Central Ohio Linux Users Group
  • LUG List –’s (mostly) complete World-wide LUG List

Developer Forums

  • is a good site for Kernel development news.

Common Distributions

There are literally dozens of different Linux Distributions available. while this is good for Linus, and for its users, this can make things a little confusing for newer users.  Please click here for a list of common distributions.